Week 2 of the 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge calls for a favorite photo. To read more about the challenge, see this post.
Well, that’s practically impossible since I have hundreds of favorite photos!
After consulting with Dad, we have chosen these.
Dad’s favorite pictures are of him and his brothers. Right to Left, James, Paul, John (Dad). James, his oldest brother, passed away a few years ago. You can read more about him in this article.

This photo years later of the same brothers and their wives. Right to Left sitting, James, John (Dad) and Paul. Wives standing R to L, Darlene, Marilyn, and Evelyn.

One of MY favorites from our scanning days. Random boys on a donkey. I know there has to be a story here, and I remember Dad telling stories about HIS donkey… This isn’t him. This isn’t his donkey. But really. If you haven’t heard it, ask him about it!

THIS WEEK: Week 2 – A Favorite Photo
Stay tuned for Week 3 – Long Line
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