This blog is for family things, to record some of our photos and history, and to take a look back at the ones who came before us.
Since I’m the one with the blog, you’re getting my perspective, my memories and a look into who I am and maybe a little about the “why”. Maybe that’s a good thing, maybe not, but I’d really like to include other perspectives as well. If you have an article, a picture or any other tidbits about my family that you’d like to contribute, please feel free to contact me. I’d love to share your thoughts and memories, too.
This week our scanning led us to the end of the slides we had that belonged to my Grandmother, Ruth Graham Clark McDannold. We’ve really enjoyed seeing her view of the world as she knew it. Here are my thoughts on this final batch of photos.
Most of you that are reading this know us. So I will let you be the judge. But here’s what I think.
I think Janet had a lot of Clark in her DNA.
Here are some Clarks.
Sue has a lot of Wheeler in her DNA.
We should really do an Ancestry DNA test and find out…
Here are some Wheelers.
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Ok, I don’t have any pictures right now that support this. Someone out there please help me! We have been scanning Mom’s side of the family. As soon as I have some pictures to go here, I will add them. It’s a little hard to tell when the last generation of Wheelers was made up of men…
Sorry, Sue.
And I guess I’m probably a Graham.
Here are some Grahams.
Be sure to check the Photo Gallery for pictures related to this post.
We are having a lot of fun meeting each week, looking at these photos and talking about the people in our past. I’ve learned a lot, and may even eventually start remembering names a little better.
In the coming weeks, we will be diving into John & Marilyn’s slides. Who knows what fun that will bring… But I’m game, are you? Stay tuned for more. And remember, if you have anything to contribute, I look forward to hearing from you.
— Kim
“Well, I ain’t got a witness, and I can’t prove it, but that’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it.”
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